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Day# 511
As Todd listened to his children cheering for their favorite racer, he remembered his own boyhood...and the obstacles he faced.
A boy with brothers has a life filled with competition and injury in the best of families. Todd had a couple of extra obstacles to overcome. Todd is deaf and has cerebral palsy. When his brothers began riding and racing motorcycles, it seemed natural that the youngster would want to join them! One big problem, his legs were too weak to walk, much less hold up a motorcycle. Many wondered how a young boy like Todd could even dream about racing motorcycles. Well, Todd's father didn't just let his boy dream about motorcycles; he made sure the boy could ride just like the others. He bought an all-terrain vehicle, adapted it to Todd's unique needs, and let him go! His father truly believed the young boy should have his own chance to ride in the wind!
The ATV strengthened Todd%u2019s legs to such a degree that after a special surgery to straighten his ankles, he was able to walk!
Soon after he began walking on his own, his strength improved, and his riding skills increased so he not only raced against his brothers -- he began BEATING them! Winning is sweet but beating a brother is the sweetest win imaginable.
Todd shook his head to bring himself back to the race in front of him.
Smiling with his own boys at his side, Todd loved what he was seeing. Riders of all ages whizzed by them. Watching his kids, he felt satisfied that he was successfully making a difference; he was providing racing opportunities for people both able bodied and disabled. His organization Ability Riders of Tomorrow - encourages people with "disabilities to test their boundaries and provides equipment and financial assistance to disabled ATV riders and racers. It's all about giving people with disabilities the opportunities to experience ATVs. Riding can give you freedom that maybe your body can't."
Todd says now that he is older and married it is not just about winning any longer. It is about "trying." I will run in a 5K race just to help others learn not to let someone define who they are and to not let anyone or anything keep them from success."
Todd takes his message to schools encouraging young people to do their best and to try! His simple message allows anyone to relate, whether a spectator, motorcycle racer, able or otherwise: "Life is what you make it."
Whether or not someone's body functions adequately does not determine the dimensions of their dreams. What most of us need are opportunities to attempt different activities. Then to take those activities we enjoy and enjoy them further. Isn't that true? So much of our life's success is not about what happens to us... it is what we do with whatever happens. I love Todd's attitude of making life happen.
I want to be like Todd and do what looks like can't be done. I bet you too have big dreams and even bigger abilities. Together let's join forces to provide opportunities for others around us. We can make many things happen if we work together.
Remember Todd who was born with obstacles yet never let that stop him from riding full speed into life!
Just as Todd's father believed in his little boy's dreams of racing his brothers, you have several people rooting for you! You are not living this life alone because%u2026

And I do, too!
Suess Karlsson
P.S. If you need to be reminded today just how very special you are go to A Movie Just For You!
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